Sunday, April 01, 2007

let sleeping puppies lie

So you guessed it we have a new puppy. She is a Siberian Husky named Whisky and she is 3 months old. She has lived with us for 48 hours now and is settling in nicely. She was only at our house for 10 hours when she would walk down our stairs and not have someone carry her. She has a little trouble meeting new dogs as she is tremendously timid, but as she is the prettiest puppy ever people flock to her and she loves the attention. I'm so proud of how quickly she is picking up on everything. I'm pretty tired, she is not quite ready to sleep in her crate quietly as she is going right now in front of the porch door. She is really happy and fun, she is active and we have a great time.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Job interview questions

I had a job interview today for a job I'd really like. Here's some funny interview questions from a business site.

1. "Will your girlfriend give you strife if we send you on a business trip to Bangkok for two years?"

2. "Working here is a lot like being on LSD. Know what I mean?"

3. "Come in. Sit down. Would you like some sushi?"

4. "What's a nice girl like you doing in metallurgical engineering?"

5. "What can I do to convince you to join the Dark Side?"

6. "You code and manage. You've answered every answer correctly. Can you tell me what is wrong with you?"

7. "How does it make you feel knowing I hold your destiny in my hands?"

8. "Doesn't that nose piercing hurt?"

9. "How the hell do you left-click a round mouse?"

10. "Single people work more. Are you single?"

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

In class at 8:30am

I have an 8:00 class on Tuesdays. Today we were treated to an internet adventure. Our teacher was demonstrating all the different places one could look for information on different subjects. At 8:30 am the topic was glass and appeared on the giant screen at the front of class and we watched this video about glass blowing set to, now waite for the punch line, walking on broken glass, priceless. I recomend watching it and then think about all the cumulative time you've wasted.

a glassblowing adventure

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

San Francisco

Why do I like San Francisco?
Not really sure myself. San Francicso is beautiful, the views, the weather, the mountains, the ocean. Earthquakes, landslides and sharks, what's not to like.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

"I have a better feel for the meat than you."

I said to Matt, he later said, "Meat knew that I didn't like meat and that it didn't like me. " I responded "meat is trying to be nice to me so I'll switch back."

What is all of this about? Potentially rotten meat in my fridge. This is something on my mind, not all of the time, just every time I look into the fridge to see what I might eat. Well I can assure you it won't be the rotten meat that stairs back at me each time I open the door. I don't know if it is rotten or not really but I've looked at the Styrofoam package of ground beef everyday since I noticed the expiration date. The colour is now decidedly grey pink. It used to be red pink and I'm worried Matt will eat it and get sick. I'm worried about the other food items in the fridge becoming contaminated. Well I'm not really worried about that, I know that Matt won't eat stuff that looks or smells bad. It just the same thing everyday, look for something to eat and only see rotting meat, I'm not that hungry these days.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Good ridens to bad rubbish

It's been a long time. Let's say I was busy. My mom thinks I'm too busy, not true. I'm not that busy, just going to school and working. Well not anymore, I quit my job at my aunt's bakery and will just work on school. I'd love to say this means I'll have more time for rock but it probably wont. That's what I miss most, not hanging out or going to parties, but sitting alone and playing guitar. We'll see what happens so far so good, it's the 5th day of the year and there's only been one day I haven't played. We have a show at the end of the month so we have a practice tonight and it's been a while for that too.