Saturday, February 09, 2013

Got some catching up to do

That was a waste of a week for writing.  I'm not feeling very creative so I'll just write diary type entries, just to get something down.  We took the dogs out today, so they could enjoy the snow.  And they did. We let Jack run off leash in a mostly fenced off area.  He had a blast, running, barking at sparrows in a bush.  We played kick snow at Jack, he loved that as well.  Running back and forth and all around.  Then he ran back over to bark at the birds again and wasn't coming back.  Just as he turned to come back to us he saw a person walking down the sidewalk through the open fence.  So he ran off at the person barking.  Scarring the shit out of them.  I heard the young woman scream.  It was horrible.  Matt ran out after him and he did come to Matt, but those 90 seconds, made me feel so terrible for that young woman.  I called out to her to ask if she was alright, and she said she was but she was still in shock, she apologized to us.   I said the Jack was very scary.  She walked off and a few moments later I saw her talking to a friend and she looked scared, and I wish I could take it back.  I wish that hadn't happened.  But now that woman is going to be scared for quite a while, strange dogs running at you barking, who wouldn't be afraid.  So I'm feeling like a terrible dog owner right now.

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