Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still hate my job

I'm coming to the end of my maternity leave.  So I've been calling, emailing and visiting daycares.  Jumping at the cost, chatting about philosophies, using all my people reading skills to get the vibe of new people and places.  I've met some great people and really think that what they offer is fun and worth the money they are charging.  The only problem is I hate my job.  The job I'm doing now is great, looking after my baby, who is very fun to be with.  The job I will be doing is soul sucking corporate retail management.  Sigh, it could be worse, I could be in the States where there is no maternity leave and would have missed out on these past months, it makes me cry just to think of it.  So a few more weeks of the relaxed pace life to be replaced with a new life of never having enough time.

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