Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Forever wanting to be doing something else

There are always other things to do. How do you choose what to do with your time? Well usually I go to where I'm needed most. I'm addicted to being needed. I fill voids, fix problems, and help during a crisis. When the crisis is over I loose interest move on and change focus. I'm not sure how to stop this. I'm not sure if I want to stop. Some character flaw has obviously developed which demands that I feel needed in order to be fulfilled. The problem is that eventually I feel harassed and resentful but most importantly tired. Now there are real situations that need my help and I'm unable to do anything with those. Within my own family I'm unable/unwanted for some situations. I can't let go; all I feel is "action" you must do something. But apparently there is nothing to do. When I'm unwanted by one group I don't move on and find others who need help. I just get frustrated and write whiny blogs.

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