Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Month Review - Grade -B

We'll I've been trying to write everyday for four weeks now, I've missed a few days and made them up other days, which is cheating but since I'm the one making up the rules, I'll allow it.

I would like to progress to a longer story, although I am enjoying the 75 word format.  Thank you Colin.  I'm not quite sure how to extend them.  I was thinking of using the 75 word stories as a place to start  and also begin to write outlines (and include those as stories), so for example, I began to write a few 75 word stories that were linked and So the next step could be writing an outline of for a longer story could connect them then go from there.

So next month I will work on including outlines, or an outline for the linked dog park stories.

I gave myself a -B because I did write a lot, way more than I ever thought I could, the writing was pretty crappy.  I had fun though and although these stories are still not what I'd like to be producing it's a step in the write direction.  There is room for improvement but I had a lot of success with this ridiculous concept.

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