Tuesday, January 01, 2013

New Year New Project

I'm going to write a story a day in 2013.  Unlike Stewart McLean's Vinyl Cafe Story Exchange it doesn't have to be true but probably will be short.  I may invent a new story or recount one but at the very least I'm going to do it everyday.  I'll do my best to avoid spelling mistakes.

Story One

How my friends and I broke up my favourite band.  A fictional account of why Mclusky broke up.

I like millions of other people played guitar in a band.  This band was in a very active phase at the time.   We practiced once or twice a week together and I played guitar all the time.  Walking around my house, on the phone or watching TV.  If I was at home I was playing guitar.  We played shows around the city where we live, one a month or so.  In fact we were so active we recorded and released a record, on vinyl no less.  All this adds up to us being as proficient as we were ever going to be.  We had so much fun, each practice and show were a great time, we loved it.  We were best of friends, and one of things we had in common besides being in the same band was liking some of the same music.  One of these bands we all loved was Mclusky.  My heart still races even just thinking of their music.  The energy, the irreverence, the power, it takes me back to those heady days of being in a band with my friends and being so good at what we did.

A couple of months after we released our record I went on my annual two week vacation to the desert.  When I arrived back home their was a message on the answering machine, "Mclusky's coming to Ottawa in a few days and I suggested the Banditas open for them."  The voice was one of my friends who had been asked by the shows promoter who should open for this band from Wales.  My jaw dropped, it couldn't be true.  Holly Shit, WE were going to open for Mclusky, I was in a daze.

The show was on a Monday night.  Now, I really should emphasize, we were not a serious band, we took the band seriously but were not under any delusions about becoming famous, we were just three friends who had fun.  We used about 50% more wattage than was necessary because it was funny, we yelled, and played power chords and were nothing more than any other small time punk band.  But that night with that sound guy, the one who got the joke, we sounded incredible.  We hit every note, we had the audience "dancing."   The stage floor was reverberating with the drum brain we had hooked up to a trigger on the floor tom, for the only time.  Not one missed change or word.  It was exquisite.  Who could possibly top that?  I have never felt better after a show, it was perfect, like winning the big game.

But we were too damn good, a few months later Mclusky broke up.  If only we hadn't been so great that night it might not have started the downward spiral that lead to Mclusky's demise.

Believe what you will but I will always look back with fond recollections at the night my band broke up Mclusky.  Who did your band break up?

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